
Over the past 30 years, faculty in the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Department of Psychology have
partnered with scientists at the NASA Ames Research Center to conduct collaborative human factors research: the study of the capabilities and limitations of people as they interact with their environment, and the application of this knowledge to the 设计以人为本的系统和产品. 目标是改善功能, efficiency, reliability, and safety, increase satisfaction, and reduce risk and error. 在这里认识一下研究人员:



"We are trying to minimize delay by releasing flights from the gate at the optimal time for scheduling flights into the overhead stream, allowing the air traffic controller to hold and release planes from the gate in an optimal way based on schedules combined 实时信息.”

维多利亚Dulchinos is explaining her work in the air traffic control simulation facility at NASA Ames, where a 360’ out the window view tower simulator replicates the view from the tower at the Charlotte Douglas International Airport in North Carolina. Dulchinos and her colleagues are developing sophisticated algorithms and a set of tools for use by airline ramp personnel as well as Air Traffic Controllers in the future management of gate scheduling for arriving and departing flights. 他们的研究和结果 logistical improvements could eventually reduce air traffic congestion, fuel emissions and on-board waiting times for passengers after their flights arrive.

“Basically, we’re trying to make something useful happen for everybody.”


康拉德Rorie康拉德Rorie investigates ways to integrate unmanned aircraft—also
called dr一个s—into the same airspace as manned aircraft. 他的研究不是关于 small dr一个s that might 一个 day drop a package at your door. 相反,他专注于 large aircraft like Global Hawks and Reapers, which typically fly at 60,000 feet (versus commercial aircraft flying at 28,000 to 35,000 feet) and travel longer distances.

"These unmanned aircraft carry sensors that can pick up the position of nearby traffic, which allows onground human pilots to safely maneuver their aircraft around potential conflicts using an electronic display of traffic information.”

In addition to their military applications, unmanned aircraft are used for cargo transport, aerial photography, agriculture surveys, and border security. 它们也执行侦察任务 over fires and hurricanes in support of emergency responders.


马丁尼godfroyIn NASA’s Advanced Controls and Displays laboratory, 马丁尼Godfroy-Cooper focuses on developing and prototyping multimodal human-machine interfaces for Army helicopter 飞行员在退化的视觉环境中操作.

Godfroy-Cooper is working on the integration of spatial sound into the cockpit displays of Black Hawk utility helicopters, to complement or substitute for visual cues provided 通过传感器.

"Integration of three modalities in human-machine interface—visual, auditory and tactile—enhances 人的感知和表现. 它还减少了工作量,提高了安全性 关键的环境.” 

Using spatialized sonifications (sounds that convey information relative to the nature or the status of an object) will increase overall situation awareness and enhance obstacle detection and avoidance mechanisms, particularly when the helicopters are 在电力不足的情况下盘旋或飞行. 其他应用包括通信 segregation, hostile fire warning, and landing aids.


凯文·格雷戈里Fatigue management research examines how sleep 损失, changes to the body clock and duty, and rest hours affect safety in high-performance work settings. 在NASA艾姆斯, this research focuses on pilots and astronauts and their ability to obtain optimal 操作时休息.

In a lab equipped with darkened experimental bedrooms, 凯文·格雷戈里 conducts performance tests on human subjects to determine the effects of fatigue on the human brain. 睡眠 cycles are tracked using scientific-grade wrist-worn devices, caps with sensors measure 大脑活动和反应时间被评估.

Gregory and his team explore these questions with the goal of developing practical strategies for increasing safety and improving performance in round-the-clock work.

"We are looking at how performance is affected by the physiological effects of sleep 损失. 飞行员应该连续工作多少天? 两者之间需要休息多长时间 转变? And for what length of time is it safe for them to work?”
