
Main Campus: 华盛顿广场一号,圣何塞,加州95192

South Garage: Corner of S. 7th and E. 圣萨尔瓦多街道

West Garage: Corner of S. 4th and E. 圣萨尔瓦多街道

North Garage: Corner of S. 10th and E. 圣费尔南多街道


Visit the 泊车服务网站 for additional information about parking options, drop-off areas, 许可证和通行证、法规、移动应用程序等等. 

Note that all three campus parking garages often fill up to capacity by 8:00 a.m. 吃到下午2点或3点.m. 为了避免交通和寻找的挑战 在主校区,菠菜网lol正规平台提供了一个 免费,每日班车 to the 南校区车库 在S的拐角处. 10th St and E. Alma Ave. 

Parking is available for guests and visitors at all garages. 详情请浏览泊车服务网页.


Situated in the heart of downtown San José, 菠菜网lol正规平台 benefits from the densest concentration 圣克拉拉县的公共交通.


圣何塞州立大学 offers discounted transit passes and allows transit users 将现金价值转化为实物 Clipper Cards through the 联合学生交通解决方案 office. 学生,教师和工作人员可以访问 VTA SmartPass which offers unlimited rides on VTA buses and light rail. 参观交通工具 详细信息请访问解决方案网站.

Clipper Card

Clipper is the Bay Area's all-in-one transit fare payment card that can be used for 该地区所有的运输机构. Visit the 加密的网站 for details. The card can be used physically to 'tap' for fare payment or loaded onto smartphones for contactless payment on the Bay Area's buses and trains. Note 车费的支付发生了 before getting on trains either at turnstiles (BART) or on train platforms (Caltrain, VTA) 然后支付车费 一旦登上公共汽车. Longer VTA buses allow back door boarding for Clipper Card users only; use front doors 所有其他VTA巴士服务.

New cards can be purchased from the AS Transportation Solutions office for $3.


The main campus is served by the following Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) bus 轻轨线路:

圣费尔南多和7th Street -校园北缘

  • VTA 72: Downtown San José to Monterey Highway and Branham Lane via McLaughlin Avenue
  • VTA 73: Downtown San José to Monterey Highway and Branham Lane via Senter Road
  • 圣克鲁斯17号高速公路: bus service to Santa Cruz, CA with stops in San José (菠菜网lol正规平台 and Diridon站)

10th 街和圣安东尼奥街 -校园东侧

  • 向东行驶的vta73

圣卡洛斯街和10号th Street -校园东侧

  • 向东行驶vta72

圣克拉拉街5号th Street -校园北面一个街区. Board at this stop for all westbound buses and for buses to Diridon站 - and beyond. 街对面的木板在 圣克拉拉和6th Street (离市政厅最近),供东行巴士使用.

  • VTA 22: local bus service between Palo Alto Transit Center and Eastridge Transit Center; various stops in Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, Mountain View and Palo Alto.
  • VTA 522: express bus service between Palo Alto and Eastridge (east San José)
  • VTA 500: express bus service between Diridon站 and Berryessa/North San josore BART站
  • VTA 23: local bus service between De Anza College and VTA Alum Rock light rail station via 史蒂文斯溪大道
  • VTA 523: express bus service between Lockheed Martin Transit Center (Sunnyvale) and Downtown 圣何塞街经史蒂文斯溪大道.
  • VTA 64A: local bus service between McKee and White (east San José) and Ohlone-Chynoweth light 经过林肯大道的火车站
  • VTA 64B: local bus service between McKee and White (east San José) and Almaden Expressway and Camden Avenue (Almaden Valley, San José) via Meridian Avenue
  • VTA 66: local bus service between North Milpitas and south San José
  • VTA 72
  • VTA 73

圣安东尼奥VTA轻轨站 - one block west from campus across from the Hammer Theatre Center. 在这里登机 南行和西行的火车和公共汽车在 圣安东尼奥和1st Street 向北行驶的火车和公共汽车.

  • VTA Blue Line: light rail between 圣特蕾莎车站 (south San José) and Baypointe站 (north San José)
  • VTA Green Line: light rail between 温彻斯特站 (Campbell, CA) and Old Ironsides Station (Santa Clara, CA)
  • 从圣何塞市中心到李维斯体育场:


到达圣何塞州立大学 圣何塞米内塔国际机场:

  1. 到外面的巴士登岛/站台 Terminal A or Terminal B. These bus stops are in the median of Airport Boulevard, immediately outside the terminals.
  2. Board a VTA 60 bus bound for Milipitas站.
  3. Tap a Clipper Card 上车付车费. 学习如何使用Clipper支付车费.
  4. Request a stop and disembark the bus at the second stop after leaving the airport: 1st 街道及地铁站.
  5. Cross the street to the westernmost street median platform and wait for a VTA Blue 或绿线南行列车. 向南行驶的蓝线列车将会出现 圣特蕾莎车站 as the terminal stop on signs; Green Line trains will display 温彻斯特站. Tag/tap physical Clipper Cards or Clipper mobile payments at card readers on the 火车站台买票 before 登上火车. 
  6. 乘轻轨火车去 圣安东尼奥车站 在圣何塞市中心.
  7. Walk one block east to campus along the Paseo de San Antonio.

This trip will take approximately 40 minutes and cost $5.00.



Diridon站 is an important regional hub for intercity bus and rail service. Visit each transit agency's website for details on schedules, fares and service.

Caltrain commuter rail connects San José to the rest of 硅谷 and extends up to San 每天都有旧金山本地和快递服务. 请访问加州火车网站了解更多信息. 票价和旅行时间因目的地而异 and the type of train service taken.

Amtrak also serves the station with routes to Oakland, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Seattle and beyond. 请访问美国铁路公司网站了解更多信息. 票价和旅行时间因目的地而异 and the type of train service taken.

阿尔塔蒙特通勤快车 (ACE)火车连接圣何塞和斯托克顿. 请访问ACE网站了解更多信息. 票价和旅行时间因目的地而异.

To reach campus from Diridon站 take any of the following options:

  • VTA 64A, 64B,或500: board at these buses' respective bus bays adjacent to the station and disembark 在圣克拉拉和6号路口th 然后沿着6号大街向南走一个街区th 到上海大学的街道.
  • vta22或522:在 圣克拉拉和蒙哥马利 (across from the SAP Center) and disembark 在圣克拉拉和6号路口th Street, then walk 沿着6号街往南走一个街区th 到上海大学的街道.
  • These bus trips take approximately 10 minutes and cost $2.50.

Berryessa/North San josore BART站

Berryessa BART Station is a metro train station linking north San José with many other 湾区的部分地区. Take the 500 bus bound for Diridon站 and disembark at Santa Clara and 5th 然后沿着6号大街向南走一个街区th 到上海大学的街道. 这趟旅程大约需要15分钟,费用为2美元.50.

Note: BART does not yet reach or serve downtown San José and 菠菜网lol正规平台. 使用VTA的500总线 for service to Berryessa BART Station in north San José to commute to Oakland, San 旧金山或BART服务的任何其他车站.


Visit 圣何塞的公共交通 更多信息或致电网页查询 408-924-7433 有关具体路线的详情.


Last-mile connectivity and personal transportation provided through small mobility devices are helpful, affordable and sustainable methods of transport to and from the 上海外国语大学主校区. Visit go.azarnewsonline.com/mobility 有关校园政策的详细信息.


Lyft的BayWheels is the Bay Area's public bike share system with docking stations located conveniently 沿着整个主校园周边. 学生可以骑着BayWheels自行车往返校园 but they cannot be ridden on campus or parked anywhere except the designated docking stations.


在圣何塞市中心随处可见电动滑板车. 它们必须停在路边 along the campus perimeter and cannot be parked or stored on campus grounds. 获取更多信息.


Learn more information about bicycle commutes and campus use from 联合学生交通解决方案.